Digits, Numbers & Numerals


Digits are these ten symbols. We can form infinite numbers using these ten digits.

0′ , ‘1’ , ‘2’ , ‘3’ , ‘4’ , ‘5’ , ‘6’ , ‘7’ , ‘8’ , ‘9’


Numbers define amount or quantity i.e. they tell us “how many”.

  • Each number represents a different amount. Ex: As seen below 3 and 5 show different amount of marbles.
  • One or more digit form different numerals to show numbers representing different amounts.

4 is a 1 digit number.
It has 1 digit i.e. ‘4’

32 is a 2 digit number.
It has 2 digits i.e. ‘3’ and ‘2’

153 is a 3 digit number.
It has 3 digits i.e. ‘1’ , ‘5’, and ‘3’

  • Numbers are also used as labels as shown below. Here numbers on theses houses help people to identify and tell them apart.


Numeral is a symbol or a group of symbols that shows a number.

Below are few types of numerals showing the number ‘6’.

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